Post number #1041077, ID: 9024af
>be me, studying spanish >sentence mining a movie for words >making anki cards for all the words >audio clips, images, contexr sentences, all that jazz >finish making 20 new cards after an hour >turn off my laptop and go to my phone to start reviews >"0 new cards" >blank stare at ankiweb >"0 new cards" >still there >refresh page >0 new cards >wtf.jpg
Post number #1041078, ID: 9024af
>realize i'm a dumbass >i turned off my laptop >but i never synced the new cards to my anki account >i just wasted a full hour of my life
Post number #1041081, ID: ed9126
Just? Turn your laptop on again?
Post number #1041094, ID: ac061a
Post number #1041095, ID: ac061a
Solo he descargado el paquete de mayor tamaño, para qué lo haces tu mismo? Es perder el tiempo.
Post number #1041096, ID: ac061a
Si vas a utilizarlas a menudo, las recordarás
Post number #1041101, ID: ed81ce
Stallman just cant stop winning
Post number #1041128, ID: 684ffc
orale wey
Post number #1041135, ID: 1588a1
>>1041077 if you would want learn spanish dictionary i can recommend you playing visual novels and using translation service.. this is way how i learned a lot words in english, but yes for grammar it's really terrible.. but visual novels will make you learn dictionary more than memory cards
Post number #1041136, ID: 1588a1
Also chatting with people who also learn spanish or they are native is also helpful if you feel being on level A2 or something
Post number #1041140, ID: 2104c9
>>1041135 >but visual novels will make you learn dictionary more than memory cards Press X to doubt
Post number #1041201, ID: 9024af
>>1041101 i use debian
>>1041135 it's so hard to find yuri VNs translated into spanish :((((
Post number #1041221, ID: 1588a1
>>1041140 press X to not die >>1041201 maybe dora than idk :c
Total number of posts: 13,
last modified on:
Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1737685923
| >be me, studying spanish
>sentence mining a movie for words
>making anki cards for all the words
>audio clips, images, contexr sentences, all that jazz
>finish making 20 new cards after an hour
>turn off my laptop and go to my phone to start reviews
>"0 new cards"
>blank stare at ankiweb
>"0 new cards"
>still there
>refresh page
>0 new cards