how do u do it g/u/rls?

| ive been reading over couple of threads and ever now and then some peeps come in and bring mega negativity

yet u g/u/rls somehow dodge it like ur playing touhou bullet hell. please teach me ur ways

| cum in your sister

| >>1041021 i dont want to be on a watchlist

| >>1041023
Cum in me *opens my pretty mouth very wide *

| ⊑⏃⎐⟒ ⌇⟒⌖ ⏃⋏⎅ ⊑⏃⎐⟒ ⎎⎍⋏.

| >>1041020 lots of exposure to it, and a sunny disposition

| >>1041020 danger/u/'s special magic is what I focus on, that is the flavour of danger/u/

| >>1041020
Hold shift for focus movement.

| >>1041020
Head empty
No thoughts =u=

| >>1041020 most of us lives in rain area and we adapted to play touhou as way how to survive


| it's not like the trolls on this board are any smart... or even self-aware. they're losers wearing their insecurities on their sleeves. people like that don't get any respect _anywhere_

| >>1041174 me, it's as ying yang, head empty = harmony =u=

| >>1041302 c

| >>1041302
pretty much n also shit talkin them back

| reminds me of a chill thinkpad thread on /g/. just people talking about the little nubs on the keebs, and every 5th post or so there was some "billgateslaugh.jpg imagine being such a linux troon you'll never be a real woman" shit and everyone just ignored it

tldr dont go on /g/
too many chinese

| >>1041354 I like chinese people! They’re cool.

| Kisses for Chinese people mmmmwah!

| i miss my beautiful chinese they/them... soon they will come back to me and we will have a million kisses

| >>1041020
the fuck are you talking about? it's impossible to have a serious thread on this board because 70% of posts are juvenile shitposting and off-topic ramblings

| >>1041410
I just met one! I hope they’re happy. I just don’t have anything to say and don’t want to be creepy.

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1737846265

This thread is closed.