How often do you check dangeru.us?

| Maybe once or twice a week unless I have an active thread going. How about yous?

| Every hour. I have internet addiction.

| Eiffel Tower

| Too much. Then again. What else am I going to do with my life?

| I check mostly every time I visit North Korea

| When I remember I live in a boring dystopia and things start to feel too real

| like once every two days?

| >>1040930 2-5x per day usually.. but depends when.. when i get really busy i'm away for weeks.. 2 months max :(

| but i'm here really regularly since 2017/18

| Unfortunately, every day. Though sometimes when the vibes are rancid I just leave for a week.

| >>1041004
Like me then. But I might stay and tease the toxic poster if it's someone who's buttons I've learned lol

| Usually once a day, right after I wake up. It's finals week, though, so I haven't checked /u/ in a few weeks.

| >>1041004
That’s really healthy and about what I do. It shouldn’t be unfortunate g/u/rl if u don’t like it : (

| True gurls check once every 5 years

| Once a month

| >>1041004 ohh similarly if posts get bored or not active i sometimes become less active
>>1041011 omg yes and before sleep or in bus or in class etc. etc. xd

| >>1041031 i feel lucky to catch you! ^^

| >>1041050
reminds me of the cute daiso frog mug that says "catch your chance" on it

| >>1041068 i don't understand how it's associates but mug is cute xD

| >>1041133
this is some drooler level of pattern recognition

| >>1041017
Correct answer

| Sometimes 2-3 times per day, sometimes 1 times and sometimes 0 times/day. And only by mobile app.

| >>1041193

| Everyday

| Every few months

| I think for me it could range from once a month, every 1-2 weeks or a couple of times a day depending on how much I vibe with whats going when I look at it..

Total number of posts: 26, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1737865797

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