allo ma cheres

| Job-chan here !! down 1 cosmo, 1 paper plane, 1 negroni, and several shots

my day job bar is closing down this saturday. i am sad !!!

gonna go get more wasted at my local dive bar. but as always hope all of youse arr doing great!!

| i need a hug :'(

| Awwww hug hug job-Chan <3
I bet it was cause of their not having olives at the cocktail bar!
I am doing great actually! It must have been cause of you. Don’t drink toooo much and get a headache! I don’t want you to be bothered by the noise when I announce I’m a job-Chan too! (In a few months probably)
Do you have friends at the dive bar you talk to as you drink? Can you actually get a hug there? Ok I’m yapping but I’m happy to hear from you :-)

| >>1040893
i don't hug people who talks smack and spreads lies

| I think she’s nice! Remember how she was encouraging that g/u/rl who briefly got a bar job? She just doesn’t like us being too horny sometimes that’s all cute morals g/u/rl >>1040910
But that’s important to avoid fr fr <3

| Don't give up Job-chan! You can do it Job-chan! <3

| >>1040912
Job-chan is one of the genuine delights on this board ngl but she never posts in any of my threads. I can tell because they never attract any sincere people, only logical fallacies and horny larpers, meh.

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1737551950

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