Post number #1040833, ID: c8650f
3 waffles and some eggs is 1800 calories wtf i didn't even eat anything yesterday or today and i'm still full
Post number #1040879, ID: cf5178
i will have soon phone with weight 220 grams i believe i will have in night waffles everyday xd
Post number #1041006, ID: e99002
"Some eggs" how.. how many eggs is it. On any single meal I only eat at most one egg, or two if I'm really hungry and there's no other protein around.
Post number #1041007, ID: 086673
OP, you bought 144 eggs?? That's a gross of eggs!!
Post number #1041009, ID: 62384d
honestly the bulk of it was the waffles. i could taste every single drop of syrup they put into them
Total number of posts: 5,
last modified on:
Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1737598563
| 3 waffles and some eggs is 1800 calories wtf i didn't even eat anything yesterday or today and i'm still full