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the one thing i hate about pooping

| pooping is, generally, a good time.
you get to relieve yourself from stress of carrying all that shit inside your body. literal shit.

it feels good, especially if what you're pooping are long, continuous logs, and it falls down in one perfect shape. you can really feel yourself getting lighter.

one thing i hate about pooping though..

| .. is when I relieve pellet like poop, and it hits the water, and it creates just a single splash, and it perfectly hits my butthole.

this is especially disgusting when there's already poop on the water.

i fucking hate this human experience

| try sex

| Don't you like riding roller coasters?
It is literally a water ride. You shit yourself and you get wet.

| I have a life-changing life hack for you then. Try to throw a single piece of toilet paper in the water before the pooping experience. It will prevent the splashing.

Happy pooping g/u/rls.

| I hate having to shit in the first place.
I did not give my consent to having the need to shit.
Same thing about pee and sleep. Incredibly time-wasting obligatory experiences.
Can I just be a digital wisp living in FDVR already?

| >>1040480
so real bro

realer bro

| i hate pooping because i eat something, pooping, than get hungry, than eat again and being in missarable circle.. just same as drinking!


| >>1040479 pooping sucks. i feel like shit especially when it takes forever to wipe it all off

Total number of posts: 9, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1737323655

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