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apparantly circumcision is really popular in the us????

| i was talking with my gay friends and found out that like most guys are circumcised??? i thought it was the other way around?????

| also i gave a random baby on the bus the most menacing stare i could make

| LOL it is I am :< but my pp is pretty sensitive I can cum just rubbing it through my pants a lil and it’s supposed to prevent excess masturbating and being a rapist so maybe it worked out for me. I see a lotta scary stories online about it though.

| lmao you said cirCUMcision

| zamn cept foreskin is normal buddy>>1040428

| >>1040438
But I’m not normal :>
I should cut off more parts of my skin to fit that but it wouldn’t look cute :<

| lets kiss and make out i mean make up>>1040455

| the feminine urge to chop off penises

| >>1040461
Okay ^^

| nice penis thread but also >>87eeea your colour is so cute i love you

| OMG is it light blue for you too?? I think yours is too! I guess that just shows how being a lovely cutie reveals your true nature!! <3 <3
I should buy one million VPNs and have a script which changes between them to get me my favorite colors in a thread. I wont tho

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1737318097

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