Post number #1040336, ID: 3f3d0e
About this time last year I tried to kill myself and lived. I'm doing objectively better than I was then, but I feel myself falling apart again. I don't want to keep doing this. Why is nothing ever enough
Post number #1040337, ID: 3c0d78
good luck
Post number #1040341, ID: 6d1b1c
Why not address the root cause of the issue? Why do you feel like you are falling apart?
Post number #1040347, ID: 3f3d0e
>>1040341 don't think I can address the world falling to shit, absolute morons in charge who enjoy watching us suffer, and said people in charge actively hating me and everyone like me. And it doesn't help that I'm stuck in poverty working a dead end job I hate that leaves me too tired to do much that I enjoy anymore.
Post number #1040348, ID: 3c0d78
The solution to your problem is to stop caring about things outside of your control and do what you want to do. It's really simple to do even though it might not seem like it you just have to start.
Post number #1040362, ID: a2ba60
try sex again for cure
Post number #1040364, ID: fa8345
>>1040347 Stay alive for the sole purpose of giving these people the middle finger. Or make a difference. Be like Luigi and become a folk hero. No matter what the media says about you, you will always have respect if you go after the psychopaths who's ruining the world.
>>1040348 Get real. "SiMpLy sToP cArInG" isn't simple unless you're a psychopath. If you're a good person you care.
Post number #1040382, ID: 1514e8
>>1040336 exactly kys is an actually skill to improve upon, it's much harder the more you keep struggling with every detail you shouldn't kys if you can't get in git gud mindset u.u
Post number #1040420, ID: 78ba4d
I was kinda falling apart and then playing some games and having a good cry about loneliness and being rejected made me feel a lot better
I’m rooting for you g/u/rl- that feeling comes over me too, but you’re a nice g/u/rl and I wanna see more of you
Post number #1040459, ID: 3f3d0e
Hello! I am normal and fine again actually. Just had a really bad bpd moment. Sorry if I worried anyone.
Post number #1040460, ID: 4d8186
oh brother
Post number #1040466, ID: 78ba4d
>>1040459 <3 thank you so much for updating us g/u/rl <3 I’m really glad you reached out if we were helpful at all. It can be so overwhelming sometimes and I’m really glad you made it through.
Post number #1040499, ID: 3f3d0e
>>1040466 hey thanks! Your messages were very nice and I appreciated what you and some others had to say! I'm glad some of u are understanding!
Post number #1040575, ID: 78ba4d
>>1040499 awww you're part of what keeps us that way :-)
Post number #1040585, ID: d0719b
if you ever feel like this again, know that shit that people control in this world are gonna doom us regardless of our effort, but epic that you feel better now! bpd sucks and hope ur able to fight through it!! <3
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last modified on:
Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1737323809
| About this time last year I tried to kill myself and lived. I'm doing objectively better than I was then, but I feel myself falling apart again. I don't want to keep doing this. Why is nothing ever enough