Is lie to friend ok?

| I have new friend in class.. and she is honestly fine but i did get in embarrassing situation little i was ignoring class little and doing things on net as /u/ etc.. and suddenly after school she asked me if i liked her presentation.. i was get somehow shocked because i had no idea what she was talking about.. so i instivitely said "yes, it was nice" i didn't want to feel her bad or anything.. and than she asked me which case i liked the most and i said i forget it little and than

| she said me there was 3 of them :/ i feel dumb little for this.. we was than talking about other things and didn't return back to it but i feel honestly little bad

| Are you in middle school? I honestly cant tell with these ones

| kys

| Kiss and make up

| >>1040330 actually newly studying master uni but maybe first time having friend because of my low social skills

>>1040331 i actually tried, but I'm noob in it but you can make tutorial

>>1040344 i would want to ;-;

| >>d81d1a
It's fine to tell small lies to friends. Who are we, Aristole? However it's possible, likely even, that she could tell you weren't truthful and that might influence her image of you. It's better to be truthful. Even if instinctively telling a small lie isn't a big deal it can become awkward when you keep lying to cover up the original lie so maybe don't do that.

| build confidence! I believe in you! kick their asses and show them how crazy strong you actually are! I know you're smart, they'll play some children game on you and you'll see through their facade!

| tell them how relevant you're are, show em how great your opinion is. make them dumbfounded with your wit and arguments

| >>1040363 i feel as nietzsche type but i feel little bad in it.. like yes i lied in past about more important things, but this specific made me feel little sad since she is honestly nice.

>>1040387 actually she is smartest person from class and is already writing journals and plans go to PhD.. while me, i don't feel confident i would finish this 2 years successfully but i try my best of course.. surprisely she see me as hardworking person, with compare to others in class who she..

| ..tagged as "lazy and stupid".. she even giveed me materials to help me, it's really nice from her.. but i'm worrying i'm maybe stupid and lazy too.. i feel all people in class are better in this, and lazy.. idk depends on pov, i try recyclate works and trying optimize time, but sometimes i can spendd few hours by it.. and with compare to few others i maybe worked more.. but honestly quality wasn't best..

>>1040388 i have no opinions :/ she even changed my doubts about my values

| >>1040388 it's silly, but long-time i feel right-wing libertarian, somehow federalist etc.. while she is realism if was person.. would solve wars by supporting one side etc. xd if i can be honest, i somehow like this thinking, but i never thinked so far.. so if israel, palestine conflict, she would provide all weapons to israel and basically nuked palestine. in eurorussian things, she would likely leave green ideas and going in weapons industry.. honestly i was first time little...

| ..shocked and wasn't sure if is really serious.. while me who also being biased and also support only one side of party, i somehow being diplomatic type who would prefer peace contract.. but more i listen this.. i feel that she have more and more truth xd as i think about my libertarians values, it's somehow feel as copping mechanism to ignore world conflicts

| You sound nice too but you need to get off the net in class! I maybe would’ve said ‘oh no I was on the net all class and I wanted to see your presentation too! Can you show me it?’ But I don’t have friends irl either. I’m really happy for you to have met her. Keep being your lovely self and avoid the things making you lazy/stupid!!

| >>1040418 tbh you are totally right but is hard not being on internet.. it's feel as being in Wonderland and even my mbti test said I'm Alice xd honestly i would feel bad to telling that i basically ignored her:( honestly is nice from her that she noticed me and talk with me. I feel really surprised that smartest person from class talk with me, because i feel somehow as.. little pragmatic and i study because it's good for money but not joy actually.. but i think I'm not lazy this

| weekend I'm not doing anything else than studying materials i was ignoring while classes

| are you serious about this way of reasoning when thinking about people you're interacting with?
what's rooting you down from saying few lines to support yourself?

| >>1040540 hmm i'm not getting directly what you asks me honestly.. i don't think i support anyone tbh xd

| >>1040472
<3 Even if it didn't happen perfectly I'm proud you you for trying this g/u/rl!

awww I sometimes dissassociate or feel uncomfortable too but she sounds like a really nice girl. Even if she's just being nice to you for now or whatever I hope you can make her proud and smile at least a tiny bit! I'm rooting for you g/u/rl!!

Total number of posts: 19, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1737376527
