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Im a g/u/y

| This is the thread. Please give me attention.

| pls be hot and cute

| liar. shut up and take your estrogen

| >dick or gtfo
You know the rules, and so do I

| >>1040312 don't be silly everyone know there are only g/u/rls on internet

| why would guys ever hang out in places like this lol we're scaring them away

| No way!

| big if real

| >>1040333 (i am)
>>1040342 this is why you will never get a boyfriend

| d00d i have been trying to tell everyone. g/u/ys rule! welcome to the club.
g/u/rls drool (plus incorrect spelling)

| >>1040437
id totally drool on a g/u/rl

| >>619009
never gonna goon u up

| >>1040437
Perhaps in the future "g/u/rl" will become the norm instead of "girl" (of course without these "/").

| g*i*rls like to squidward backwards. like frickin ew

| I love you g/u/rlies

| >>1040456
I love you too g/u/rl!!! G/u/rl invasion : D : D : D

| >>f11b4e
Never gonna rozz you down

| >>1040467 G/u/rl takeoveer!!!!

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1737263967

This thread is permanently archived