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How do i find love ?

| Oh, to be able to , go to park, sex , eat dinner and say funny joke, sex again, and to be there for each other for the rest of our lives … and also in each other . Advice?

| try sex

| don't be silly
love only exists in fiction
what actually happens is that you'll slap and yell at each others for the smallest issue

| >>1040386 basically it's same as tamagotchi, you need to care for it and don't forget to feed it

| sorry, wrong reply, it was supposed being for >>1040296

| lol lmaoth love dont exist in this era bro

| It takes work and you have to find it. Look where it will be.

| >>1040477 nah rather go to places you like. You may find the other there since they like it too.

| >>1040477

| Rape

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1737310499

This thread is permanently archived