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How to detect a newg/u/rl

| They reply to you by using your ID instead of post ID

| >>7010e4 so true bestie

| >>7010e4
You will be killed

| And they get surprised if you type out your own ID, like so >>ac6bdb

| They’re super cute and deserve a kiss- smooch!

Ooooh that’s every g/u/rl hmmm

| Im a gurl hahahaja

| >>1040280

| >>1040235 don't be silly why she would be kil-

| >>7010e4
For how many years have you been trying to force this bs? It'll never happen, you'll never be relevant, and you'll never truly be a part of this community.

| I heard that they are attracted by colors unconsciously.

| >>1040355
Cute ~
I like colors too!!

| >>84c72f
Autism woo!!!

| >>1040422
Hm, maybe you would like also color charge in gluon theory.
// P.S. psst, hey it perhaps just a fancy mathematic instrument; no one catches that particle, moreover on horizon Barut model is waves. (~.^)

| >>1040269 how??

| Like this >>bcf8b7

| >>1040528 why????

| How to detect a fresh, unripened, tasty newg/u/rl:
They write things like "danger/u/ is dead" and "hurr durr I'm g/u/y and you are all larping"

| Hopefully, most of them end up properly g/u/rlified and addicted to the sweet taste of hrt by the end of the week on this dangerous place

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1737308891

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