I'm going to read the bible

| buddhist btw. No thoughts of converting. What should i keep in mind?

| JC is your nibba

| think of me when you read it

| Watch the confessions of st.augistine by cumtiwn

| Pure fiction is usally better written.

| May I ask why? Just curious. I haven't read it myself but since I grew up in a protestant nation I attended some lectures as a kid.

| >>1039647 Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” -Corinthians 15:33

| >>1039647 A Kiss For The Petals, Remembering How We Met bless the god -St. Michael 9:15

| Just read from the beginning, I found it interesting. Break it into parts, skim if something doesn’t fit your goals to learn

| >>1039733 did you readed st. michael parts? i love his quotes about girls love

| No I stopped after Jesus left I figured that shit was optional. I run arch by the way

| The first half, the Old Testament, is a curated oral history of Jews and Judaism. The 2nd half, the New Testament (starting with Matthew, if the don't seperate OT and NT) is the story of Jesus and what came after. I recommend you start with the Gospel of John, as it has some affinities with Buddhist scripture.
It's a fundamentally different view of everything, but the way there is remarkably similar. Feel free to ask any questions!

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