Post number #1039626, ID: 14786f
Every waking second felt like an eternity, and every pain receptor in my body felt as if it was being sledgehammered an infinite amount of times per infinitesimal of a second.
I was literally losing my mind, going insane, as I am still concious yet did not think like a human.
Hell is real g/u/rls. It’s inside each every one of us, from the virtuous to the sinful.
Remind me why drugs are cool again?
Post number #1039628, ID: 2c7c3d
What did you trip on
Post number #1039636, ID: 409395
Did you have sex?
Post number #1039639, ID: 908304
you went to hell and didn't even say hello? fucked up.
Post number #1039648, ID: 2a449b
did you go to india and get food poisioning?
Post number #1039651, ID: 9f7091
Cool story bro
Post number #1039749, ID: bc453e
I would have SEX in hell!
Post number #1039767, ID: 3489df
cool story bro
Post number #1039777, ID: 07075d
I misclicked on another thread while trying to open this thread. Apparently hell is making banners for danger/u/
Post number #1039801, ID: 08cdaa
did u even decode the simulation? like thats what u do in the deepest keve of the trip. duuhh. hell is actually code for he 11. if you look at it backwards it translates to eleven, eh? then you go to 7 11 and buy a slushy with precisely seven flavors on the eleventh hour of the day before lunch and spin around 360 degrees after one sip of each flavor then walk out the store backwards. THEN they teleport you to hell where u rule as demon king for one eternity.
Post number #1039804, ID: 08da46
>>1039801 you have too much time on your hands
Post number #1039809, ID: 7484d8
>>1039801 jesse what the fuck are you talking about
Post number #1039819, ID: bc453e
Cool! I figured it was 11 year old boys
Post number #1039838, ID: b31ca2
>>1039749 with succubi? ^_^
Post number #1039918, ID: ec9256
Anyone ever get heart arrhythmia from edibles/drops? No anxiety attacks just heart trouble.
Post number #1039952, ID: bc453e
>>1039838 Like yooouuuuu maybe :3
Post number #1039990, ID: af4089
Cool kids don't do drugs. And I'm the coolest MF around these parts
Post number #1040247, ID: b31ca2
>>1039952 Oh.. if was one of them ``¬.¬
Post number #1040311, ID: bc453e
>>1040247 U r 2 me :3
Post number #1040318, ID: b31ca2
>>1040311 Nah (\\_\\)
Post number #1040329, ID: e121da
I'm high as fuck and I been drawing horses for hours now, it's pretty cool.
>>1039918 No heart trouble, but sometimes when my mind is going to places that will give me a bad trip, then I may start feeling like my heart is beating 'wrong'. But its all in my head, my boyfriend confirmed my heart was beating just fine.
Maybe it's that?
Post number #1040345, ID: cbcfbc
>>1040329 Nah, pretty sure horses all go to Heaven
Post number #1040423, ID: bc453e
>>1040318 :3 :3
Post number #1040443, ID: b31ca2
>>1040423 *waves off*
Post number #1040468, ID: 6faec4
I had epilepsy seizure and i had something similar little. I was playing CS and suddenly when i get rage i lost control over my body. I didn't fall or anything but my body started spinning to left side, my hands, neck, eyes too (i saw everything, i was able to think and feel but my body felt asi would losing myself and something else taking control over me. Suddenly i had feel I'm understanding everything (like if i was getting in 4D))
Post number #1040469, ID: 6faec4
and than i was wake up in bed with throwed chair, night table and everything as i was barely able to walk.. than i had one last seizure when i was going to eat and while walk i suddenly stopped walking and i was suddenly walking in circle left only i was able to control was hands so i was trying to stop move my head and i falled this time actually and wake up in hospital..)
It's funny how mindfucked our minds can be
Post number #1040527, ID: ee92c2
>>1040329 maybe, just had this terrible feeling in my chest like I was gonna ded
Post number #1040530, ID: fca2c5
>>1040527 Try lowering the dosage next time.
Total number of posts: 29,
last modified on:
Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1737295648
| Every waking second felt like an eternity, and every pain receptor in my body felt as if it was being sledgehammered an infinite amount of times per infinitesimal of a second.
I was literally losing my mind, going insane, as I am still concious yet did not think like a human.
Hell is real g/u/rls. It’s inside each every one of us, from the virtuous to the sinful.
Remind me why drugs are cool again?