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How to get friend to not do meth and be happy

| Dear g/u/rls
I know a girl who I think has made some cool art and has said cool things which lives far away from her. We tried to collab once but I got tired and didn’t do my part. Now she’s posting pictures of her looking pale and cut up and told me she’s doing meth. I don’t think we’ll ever meet irl and she doesn’t have a family but has a couple friends I don’t know. I’ll work on my part i guess and surprise her.

| Sex them

| try sex

| where the pic of her looking cut up?

| take meth yourself. this will make her think meth is cringe and she'll stop

| There's nothing you can do honestly. It's up to her to find the strength to get clean

| Share cute meth pics

| when did the people on this board get replaced with the most unfunny low effort trolls ever

| >>1039645
Honestly I kinda wonder if that works. Like how much of our self reflection actually just comes from seeing others act like us
Yeah. I messaged with her and she’s eating and drinking and inside.
I guess she’s upset her life is kinda going no where and she’s really lonely and wants excitement and she got an exciting boyfriend who didn’t respect her and she doesn’t respect herself but doesn’t want to.

| I’ll try to be supportive a little but usually I’m just a nag with unrealistic ideas. I think she appreciated having someone to talk to today, but she keeps looping back to him or taking more. I probably need to get her some irl friends but god knows how to do that. Sometimes people are just done for, you don’t change as much after you’re a kid : (

| I’ll probably message with her less over the coming days, I tend to get excited about people talking to me then forget them, and hold them at arms length but try to make them be intimate and loving towards me : ( I hope I’m not just using her for entertainment.

I’ll wait for her next message before messaging her.

Thanks for letting me vent g/u/rls

| >>1039644
The thing about ‘uuuuoooohhhh vulnerable girls’ is you only find it cute in successful women. Once you’re vulnerable for a while you just look miserable and skeletal : ( I hope you enjoy cute sex roleplay as her with your friends, but don’t do that stuff or let them if you can stop them <3

>>103963 honestly if it were a happy thing which built us both up that would be great, but it never seems to work out that way. I think you gotta start with respect

| Tell her to find Jesus. Jesus is the only one that can save her tbh.

Total number of posts: 13, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1736756075

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