Scotland gurls?

| Any jock gurls on danger u?

| Are they exist?

| Aye

| Scotland is not a real country!

| >>1039631 You're not a real country!

| scots are just anglos who hate being anglo so much they larp as a type of celt that they themselves brought to extinction. 10/10, excessively british.

| >>1039631

| >>1039640 You're an English man with a dress!

>>1039831 It's just England!

| S C O T B O N G englistan

| Scotland yards

| >>1039881

| >>1039886 membrane

| >>1039641 That's it square go ya dobber

| >>659308 C'mere cupcake!
I'll give you a haircut!

| >>1039992 Penis weakness leaving the body!

| >>1040116 The Soldier is a bloody MEDIC

| I bet scots g/u/rls sound real crazy in the bedroom

| >>1039841
Not agree, as part of Great Britain - yes, like England is one of it.

| >>1040249
It's all england! many names tooooo complicated!!!

| >>1039427 don't be silly everyone know that scotland don't exists, what would you want talk about next time? about norway or bielefeld?

| >>1040570
I wouldn't be so categorical.

| >>1040594
Is it categorical if I just use one? Ur right though I’ve seen categorical thinking hurt people

| You will never get onto heaven to drink of the lakes of irn bru

| >>1040598
It doesn’t even have iron in it just eat a blood pudding jfc your teeth will rot less

Scottish boys can be handsome sometimes

| >>1040599
When have they ever tho

| https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:YoungJamesClerkMaxwell.jpg
Maxwell has a little but a little too hairy and masculine
Watt has a charmingness to him :3
Alek bell is a little scuffed but has a little in his eyes maybe if I knew him
We’re in cute BOY territory now!!! Soft touchable hair.. kissable lips, gentle expression, Scottish BOYS mmm

Total number of posts: 26, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1737353999
