i love to hear about and see americans suffer

| i know im a sick regressive spiteful small minded black souled creature but i cant help it i just grin with this abject glee when i hear that america is getting worse amd sicker

please collapse please

| The entire world is getting sicker. We are literally in the end times. Hope this news flash made you smile.

| >>1039389 in what particular way is the world getting sicker, if i may ask

| >>1039389
'end times' ok evangelist

| Actually it getting better, get off your far left news side gurlie :)

| >>1039397 this. things in america are only getting better.

| >>1039376
lol and where do u live pos?

| >>1039393 you ever hear of climate change?
>>1039397 better for who?
also op you need to add some compassion to your outlook, most americans are just regular people who are also gonna get fucked over when shit hits the fan. the increasingly more destructive hurricane seasons are a testament to that, as normal people lose everything they have and the government sends in the army to protect walmarts instead of help people.

| op u a little bitch

| lmao lol lel

| I’m black souled too- but that don’t mean I’m hatin on the yankee bruthas’ nooooo sir! I keep it mighty cheerful in this house! I only eat American ribs and grow my own watermelon in my garden patch- Lordy do preserve them Americans so they can listen to my mighty fine rythem n blues album oooooh lord that’s SOUL music gonna rattle your bones g/u/rl!

| may the vile people in power everywhere spontaneously combust

| >>1039389
comforting. may the end be swift and soon.

| move this cringe to /new/ already

| >>1039520
shut up nigga

| lmao lol lel poopoopeepee

| Agent of chaos, rise and shine

| >>1039598
im fuckin ur mummy long dick style

| lmao lol lel

| I want my us friends to thrive and be able to live in a better world. There's still millions of good people who live there and others who are just mislead.

| Its easy to write Americas off as "Stupid" but your country is not immune to reactionary rot or propoganda ether. We must be kinder to each other and stand united to build the world we want to see.

| >>1039672

| >>1039682
Same shit is happening everywhere else but either a) isn't getting as much attention or b) the state has a tighter grip on "the agenda" so everything seems fine even if things are just as worse, if not even worse

tl;dr uninstall social media and talk to ppl irl

| itt americope

we live in english speaking spheres dominated by US news and politic and that country has been the driving antagonistic force on earth for a century, ntm another 3 of constructing capitalism, neocolonialism, etc

fuck em,.and if you get defensive when ppl say that ask yourself why you wanna identify with and cape for such bullshit boonk hope new york gets nuked

| >>1039707
edgy 14 year old detected

| >>1039708
not rly a response but indicative that you cant disprove the reasons the US is broadly maligned i guess

| >>1039707
name ur country lil bitch. a good portion already know the goverments shit and this is all their doing and the npcs who cant think for themselves. stop acting as if its the whole country deserving of this.

| Earth will survive us

| >>1039710
you think your juvenile ramblings are worthy of a response? lol lmao lel

| lmaooo

| If people think the world is ending because Pedos may get accepted in the future
Then I yawn

| Hey at least we aren't eurofags, or worse... British

| Fuvkk americanns

Total number of posts: 33, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1737144929
