Anyone still here?

| Hello?


| Yep :>

| Very nice,
Happy belated new year!

| Only two of us left. Even the third g/u/rl got replaced by a bot

| yo anyone of you understand biological leninism?

| sjdhshhdhhdhheieieieeieieieeeeeeeeeeeueiueeueueeuueeueueeuuueueeueuueueeuueeuuuuueuuuuueueueuuueeueueeueueueueeeuueu

| >>1039041
It’s a cruel term towards helping inferior people who a lot of the time actually aren’t inferior- so like the whole ‘everyone is equal’ belief. A form of dysgenics driven by belief in equality of all genes and gene expression. They’re just using big words to sound smart, disgenics works fine.

No one actually is, everyone prefers their own clique.

| all gurls got outsourced by yours sincerely
-da g/u/ys (gramatically correct spelling btw)

| my penis kinda large for a g/u/rl

| >>1039104 pic

| >>1039104

| >>1039031
Eh, what do you want?

| >>1039104

| cip

| p

| c

| No

| Yes

| Gaming

| Programming

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1736775909

This thread is closed.