What is life even about

| I just want to do drugs and sleep what is all this other shit.

| sex

| It is about the lifetime wait of Hollow Knight: Silksong.

| sex

| Whatever you want it to be, also sex

| its about me...

| >>1038668
I think you mean Half Life 3

| >>1038713 i think you mean heavy update

| if u want drugs and sleep, thats what its about! we are tiny stardusts with no purpose or reason except whatever is important to us! its ur own life dont let others tell u what to do with it! for me its about humping my computer! someday my computer will be able tto hump me back so i have to keep living!

| About is manufactured in the mind, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist! I want to be really responsible and nice and make everything really happy and good. I want your computer to hump you really good foreve and ever!!

| life is about skibidi toilet

| wtf is life even about bro? ToT

| idk but i like exploring and learning new stuff

| They didn't tell you?!

| life is like a box of boxes. you never know what boxes will box fuck me in the ass princess

| They didn't tell you??

| >>1038666 it's about refining yourself to present a great person to fit in the society. If you manage to do so even so little, you'll be rewarded but the more you'll progress the more you'll need to get smarter and be willed to make more save nets for all the risks you'll have to deal with.
never seek attentions, never be the victim.

| why should you have to fit in? society should have to adjust to you. afterall societys were made by the people for the people.

| 42

| Life is about the goon seshs we had along the way

| >>1039490 when's the next one planned?

Total number of posts: 21, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1736570486

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