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international con schedule

| i dont even fucking wanna go to one. but go on,nameem. it has to be anime/manga/cartoons/games/comics...toys maybe. or at least artist alley related. fin-tate is a stretch. anything else can uh...rotate the horizon, 360 degrees.
example of what im looking for: https://kikaider.fandom.com/wiki/Michael?file=Vlcsnap-2019-09-16-12h11m43s859.jpg#Michael boxset,cosplay, acrylic display and press conf is a bonus. oh wait that's just netflix. anyway.

| Danger/u/ real life meeting when?

| danger/u/ irl is just a community kitchen

| >>1037860 danger/u/ soup kitchen would go hard though

| >>1037864
Extra creamy soup for me please pretty g/u/rl :3

| >>1037876 homemade soup by meeeee

| >>1037857 still waiting for danger/con/ after many years

| >>1037915 what would that look like?

| >>1037857
if this happens I'm sexing all of you and there will be nothing that any of you could do about it

| >>1037916 there would be opinions! and definitely they would be dangerous!

there would be sex, russians, hikkis, people using arch and definitelyy a lot g/u/rls!

| also there would be crowdfunding for 50k

| >>1037921 ill set up a paypal
[email protected]

| >>1037904
mmmmm so good I always like to drink all your soup g/u/rl slurp slurp :p

don't forget sex! I would have sex with all of them! and fun! um what activities would we do? group playthrough of a visual novel?



| >>1037933 loving lain together!! ^^

| >>1037999 let's all love lain

| >>1037999
let's all love lain

| >>1037933 ...don't actually send anything to that account

| >>1038027
oh I just figured you were so excited you were posting your gmail and I don't know how paypal works anyway

thanks for watching out for me thoughtful wonderful g/u/rl <3

| >>1037857 huh? did you gurls literally didn't know about /u/ annual house party for real? I thought you're joking

| >>1038065 not joking. If it isnt real you can do it at my house

| I've met up with many g/u/rls in the US Northwest and SoCal regions! I'll be meeting up with fellow g/u/rls both in the NW and SoCal this upcoming year, so if you're in the area let me know!

| >>1038082
Damn, I've always wanted to visit but that's years in the future at best.

| ooooooh I wanna fly across the US and visit them too! can I have a ton of mone :3 :3

nah have fun!!!

Total number of posts: 24, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1735596260

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