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| :} just kidding nigga..

i actually like fat bitches i fucks with bbws nigga..

..well then looks like im already finished i wont let you get in the way of my 600lb life nigga

| you're in hs

| shut up nigga lol

| >>1037779 brutal callout

| No body likes fat ones. If you do, then you better to ask doctor to check for mental health.

| >>1037816 i fucking love fat bitches and im mentally ill :)

| >>1037816

| >>1037791
literally not even shut up nigga

| >>1037779
NEED NIGGA SEX WITH HIGH SCHOOL G/U/RL CALLING ME NIGGA NOOOOOOOOOW (you'll still be cute when you're older don't do the low self esteem thing)

| fat is scary looking and she might eat you or betray you for food but lots of fat people have tried to lose it and failed so we should be nice to them and call them cute but never complement the fat itself.

| i don't want fuck them but i want them to fuck me ;-;

| i want to get ridden by a fat girl until my spine is broke

| >>1037886

| >>1037898 too like i want be dominated too much~

| >>1037819
I feel for you. Get well soon! Then come back to us. :ь

| >>1037820
Em, whaat?

| 15 yo moment

| The only black youth on /u/, I'm so proud of what I show speed has done

| you should go down to san antonio, you might find what you are looking for

| >>1037899
I' m going to beat you up dummy! No g/u/rl should ever feel bad or be unhealthy!

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1735496192

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