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Thoughts on Cells?

| I think they are pretty neat. Especially neurons, since they let me think about cells.

| >cell
and i don't think you understand

| >>1037777 i think thats why she doesnt have any cells

| cells are fake, just like neurons... only blorb exists, life is made of blorb

| don't trust cells. they make everything up.

| Yes yes cells are very gud :>

| >>1037776 it definitely is but be careful because recursion can get you thinking about neurons which are thinking about neurons which are thinking about neurons which are thinking about neurons which are thinking about neurons which are thinking about neurons which are thinking about neurons which are thinking about neurons which are thinking about neurons which are thinking about neurons which are thinking about neurons which are thinking about neurons which are thinking about....

| me when i dont think about neurons which mine are not thinking about neurons which arent thinking

Total number of posts: 8, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1735632300

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