
| Made this thread abt Moomins!!!

| Anyways, are there any other Moomin fans in here?

| I watched some episodes as a kid and they're awesome but I could never figure out if Lilla My is a kid or an old lady.

| Apparently she's a race called Mymla and they're fucking like hobbits
>The name of the species is derived from the Swedish slang term mymla, which means "to make love." This is especially fitting for Little My's mother, who is strongly implied to have slept with many men throughout her adult life.[1]

| I know a few who are crazy for moonins. Every year they collect a moomin cups for christmas, it’s pretty cute

| I read books

I also lost my virginity after showing 1st episode of the moomins show to my gf

| >>1037528
Do they know about mymla lore?

| Is that a thread about mumei from hololive english ?

| >>1037531
I think you posted about this before! love it when you post oomphie <3

| >>1037542 probably considering moomins is decently popular here

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1735190318
