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Does anyone here not celebrate christmas?

| what the fuck do you do during christmas break then? All my freinds are drinking eggnog and shit

| I'm probably gonna just go somewhere to be alone and smoke a bunch. Call me miserable but I dislike giving gifts and dislike recieving them just as much.

| >>1037387 that *does* sound miserable. damn.

| I'm with family and I'm heavily anxious and I don't have access to my usual calming strategies. On top of my own problems my mom is in a very bad shape physically and often cries. Her body is slowly falling apart and I don't think she have much time left on earth. I've been holding back tears all day even right now as I'm typing this. When I'm not spending time with her I'm glued to my phone desperately looking for someone to talk to. Currently waiting for the suicidal hotline chat

| >>1037393
just be

| >>1037387 i deal with this by having a christmas celebration with friends. i don't bring gifts and tell them not to buy me anything, or if they must, to buy me some chocolate

| >>1037393 the holidays are tough, aren't they. my favorite self-soothing techniques when i don't have access to what i normally use are finding a private place to cry, combing my hair, or thinking about things i've done to help people before. i hope one of those can bring you a little help.

| stay healthy for a productive next year! t. serial puppykicker

| >>1037410
Thanks for the input. I don't really cry and if I do it never makes me feel better afterwards. Thinking about people I've helped before sometimes brings me into a downward spiral of despair because NO ONE helped me when I needed it. What am I? The giving tree?

I just combed my hair like 10 minutes ago and it actually helped a bit and your post made me reflect on that, so I'll try that again later. Thanks, I mean it.

| If I ever become stronger again I will fully dedicate my life to help people who might be going through what I'm experiencing right now and these last few years. I have already made some positive changes but 2025 is the year for the big lawsuit. It's make or break time and if the justice system fails me my last resort is to... publish everything I have. Including my uncensored medical journal, every message, every recording, every test result. Everything.

| Then I will set myself on fire in the middle of the town square during a gathering to draw attention to the fight against bullying and crimes in the psychiatric care. Even if the law might fail me, every ethical person will understand what is going on and everyone who can recognize corruption will know who to target, and the local psychiatric care will forever be watched. Hopefully this will make it harder for them to continue breaking the law as openly as they do.

| waaaah please don't :(
There was a post in that other thread about how they rape people, and I couldn't exactly do much there, and even in my community can't do much. I want you to feel ok and be happy and thrive and help build up happy people to carry on after you, not to die in pain :c

That's really good of you to look after your mom. Have you talked to her? Maybe she thinks the same as me and you'll listen and I dunno build up into not being able to be abused.

| You won't be able to stop people abusing others all the time. People get tired and need happiness, but you can make it a huge part of your life!

But a lot of the time people are lazy and want someone to handle people who annoy them so psychiatric care gets an excuse to do whatever they want. same with elderly people care bullying my grandpa, but i couldn't do anything, and my parents laughed and said he was silly. And if i had dropped out and somehow got a home and cared for him

| I would be in a worse position now. I think that social change needs to be part of the solution but that a really big part of it is taking care of each other so we can be in a position to help each other and have the motivation of knowing others care about us. i make stupid posts and sometimes have gaps in my posting but i do care about you g/u/rl. if you want ill mail you some cookies but i guess that would involve posting an email or somethin.

| >>1037424
I would never tell my mom about my crazy and desperate suicide plan.

The thing is, if one else do anything about the abuse and corruption the problem will only be shifted onto some other innocent person if I decide to walk away from it. Chances are that person won't be strong enough to fight back.

If a time comes when I'm not strong enough then I can at least use my death to draw attention to the situation instead of dying quietly.

| >>1037395
very enlightening response there PAL.

| >>1037458
glad I could help. merry christmas.

| >>1037467
merry christmas mate

| shu the fuck up

| >>1037445
I really really hope you won't. I wish I could say it more convincingly. The reason we're ok is mostly people who took care of us, not draumatic deaths, and the reason they took care of us, whether doctors or teachers is because their lives were ok. I want you to be happy and able to help others. If this fails, you will have done good, you will have gotten in some people's minds the problem. 'The best revenge is a life well lived.'

| I dunno OK? please please please please take your life seriously and don't destroy yourself, even if you can only do it a little bit. I'm bad at it myself and I don't want it for you. So many g/u/rls let people's cruelty into their head and thing they have to prove themselves and hold themselves apart from others. You're decent and caring, and would make most g/u/rls happy to know, and evidence based enough you could improve your community in at least 40% of jobs. We want you. I do

| fuck capitalism

| >>1f7e48
I'll say this with all the kindness I can muster, based on all the toxic and racist shit you post when you let your guard down I don't respect you nor your views and I think this site would be better if you kept your ignorant mouth shut. No one wants read your walls of text so stfu.

| >>1037652
I respect that you do the best you can for what you believe will be helpful, the kindness in your heart is the core of everything.

Your anti-racist views are sub-optimal and inaccurate. You will never happily live them out, choosing instead white/asian majorities, despite low prices of other groups. Anti-racism is like anti-sexuality: a dream which requires biological and social changes to realize rather than pretending.

| You were being toxic, not me. That being said, I know this post sure has my heart heart thumping in my head so I hope you're not upset. I won't convince you with this, I just want to plant a seed for something better in your mind. Yeah I know, but I gotta try.
Why not call a race having friend and do something nice with them? I'm going to go help my friends after this, In Islam it is said that we should compete only in doing good. Lots of other horrible stuff but that bit is lovely

| >>1f7e48
didn't read

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