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Who needs drugs when you have dissociation?

| I've been described as "constantly drunk", and that was before I had my first alcohol.

Recently I looked up how dissociation works. I'll spare the details, but it's something about repressed self-expression causing you to go through life without being "there".

Well, fuck. I wasn't there during childhood. And now I'm not there either as an adult. I'm not done yet being a child, but me has to pay the bills.

Alive, but not living. Thinking, but not speaking. When will it end?

| Lol who am I kidding. I need a beer.

| YES DRINK DRINKING IS GOOD CHUG IT CHU- huh wait disso-what? oh not wait this isn't fun anymore this isn't a safe place anymore...

| does it affect your job

| Learn from va-11halla, alcoholism is always the answer

| Sad. Please take care of yourselves, g/u/ys and g/u/rls.

| I've never drank before... is it worth it? I'm 22.

| >>1037117
Socially? Sure, try it if you want to. Don't get drunk by yourself.

| >>1037120 that was more or less my assessment too. Thanks for confirming it.

| >>1037084
you too nice g/u/rl you too :) thanks for being here with us
it's really aweful for you long term. cute thing to try once with friends and take a picture or something but don't even do it more than once a month socially.

Yeah I feel that way too. I wanna make you stop though! I actually do feel kinda real on here but also I put off real life on here so yeah.. can we tho can we??? can we fix you? wouldn't that be so cool??!!!

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1734918496

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