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Today's poop 171224

| Hard to shit. Not a lot comes out. Piss. Little pee. Probably just my shit massaging my prostate.

| Nice

| nice

| Pee. Poo. Little wiener shit. Shit. Fucking jork all over it. Damn brats these days. Just do it. Just be straight with themselves. Just lather all over it. No need to clean up. Leave it all over the place. Make me smear it with the bedheets too. Wanna fuucking try me? Try me. I'll do it. I'll lather it in syrup, too. What's the deal? Isn't the massage place closed today? I'm the new masseuse. Who cares about Team FOrtress Two? I'm an Atlas main, I sure as hell fucking don't.

| You know what? It's like The Finals. Shit Coated In Shit Lathered In Shit Smeared With Shit. Normie Shit. I'd ask a Normie or ChatGTP 4o mini (no difference either way) what a """"VIdeo Gaem""" is and that is what would show up. THey would say that. That's is what would happen. Pissed and Cut of, like your wiener and mine wiener. What did you say? Couldn't hear you over the sound of the SHPLUNK PHLUNK SPRRRRRRRRT WEEE WOOOO WEEE WOOO?

| Nice

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1734539782

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