i want to kill myself

| figured that one g/u/rl would want to hear about it. my long distance SO is flying in tonight and i'm having panic attacks and dissociating.

| Thanks, love to hear about mental impact concerning ldr whenever possible

| >>1036462 dw g/u/rl, what i would do is try to sleep and wake up a little before ur SO gets there and they make you feel better. or just get on the phone with someone so you dont think about it. :3

| Cut yourself and sent pic is my currently best suited advice.

| >>1036467 i carve cat doodles into my arms

| >>1036468 cute

| >>1036472 ikr x3

| >>1036467 i want to but i can't bleed here so i am wringing my hands till it hurts instead.

>>1036466 i did that. i am on the way to pick them up.

| i hope you have a wonderful date with your so and they fuck you to death in your sleep <3


| >>1036487 good job g/u/rl

| >>1036488 that would go hard lol

| im normal again btw sorry for any g/u/rls who were praying on my downfall

| >>1036496 aww

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1734416237

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