Why don't you do some work instead of just frigging around all day?
Post number #1036410, ID: 4aa2b5
Post number #1036411, ID: f1fc8e
i just finished fucking my wife. i don't have the stamina to fuck her all day without doing drugs, and she doesn't want me to do drugs because they're bad for my health. i guess i'll do some chores after i cool down, thanks g/u/rl
Post number #1036419, ID: 2df036
I have a job. I don't do much but I'm working :)
Post number #1036458, ID: 34d9e3
My semester is ending and i'm still finishing an article i wanna STOP working my brain is only mush at this point
Total number of posts: 4,
last modified on:
Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1734411539
| Huh?