Post number #1036408, ID: 239372
chop off your legs to look 100% more like a native speaker
Post number #1036418, ID: 191523
>>1036404 russian government sucks, not its people. You however do suck as a person so do us a favor and neck rope plz
Post number #1036532, ID: c94b06
>>1036418 love Russia, hate Moscow, simple as
Post number #1036542, ID: 11e647
>>1036418 then how come no russians ever speak up when other russians are aping out in destructive ways? 100% of the time you will cope and seethe and go on the attack with lies and projections, just like you did just now.
i have never met a russian who isn't an enabler of ignorance and hate, and that includes you, dipshit. stop forcing your shitty language where it's not welcome.
Post number #1036543, ID: 11e647
>>1036532 it's not moscow that is raping and torturing in ukraine right now. those are regular russian citizens doing the raping and torturing, and you're enabling it. fuck you.
Post number #1036545, ID: 3e1541
>>1036418 >do us a favor and neck rope plz I knew it! I suspected all along that it's you ruskis who are behind all these juvenile shitposts. It's time to grow up.
Post number #1036546, ID: 7c8369
>>1036545 You got me. damn, no vodka no more. gulag where I will.
Post number #1036589, ID: eb4484
>>1036542 they do, but they get arrested for it retard >>1036545 i am american born and raised in suspect you are too but you are to lost in the sauce of retard shit to even think beyond THE TIKTOK LADY SAY BAD MAN SO HE BAD MAN !!!!!
Post number #1036594, ID: eb4484
>>1036589 i suspect* Minor spelling mistake my argument invalid
Post number #1036595, ID: d21bd1
whole lodda sooka bleats
Post number #1036626, ID: f35da2
>>1036543 Oh no bad ruskiz stole my toilet and washing machine and fucked my dog!!!!
g/u/rl how tired am i of seeing shitposts by people who only read ukrainian/western/european or only russian news. Grow the fuck up and try to understand that you wont ever get a full story from any fucking news outlet, you lopsided moron. There are bad people on each side, there are heroes on each side, but both are completely and utterly fucked. Ukraine and Russia are both terrorists and retards
Post number #1036642, ID: 829a25
Ehhhhhh. I wouldn't say each are terrorists. Both are committing war crimes, but unfortunately it seems that many countries are caring less and less about wartime doctrines... I will say I do want Ukraine to win as their history is one of constant subjugation and oppression, but back to what started this whole retard tangent yeah learning russian is a very good jumping off point to learning Ukrainian, alot more resources readily available especially if you are west coast!
Post number #1036649, ID: f90342
>>1036589 >you will get arrested for telling off Russian trolls on dangeru Press X to doubt
Post number #1036650, ID: f90342
>>1036642 Russian troll GTFO
Post number #1036651, ID: f90342
>>1036398 Tactless
Post number #1036656, ID: 9f2c84
>>1036589 >The only reason people dislike Putin is because tiktok said so This is russian copeā¢
You morons are proving her point with every post lol
Post number #1036720, ID: 829a25
>>1036649 no Russians get arrested for protesting the war retard. Read.
>>1036656 i know there are ALOT of reasons to hate russia I was being hyperbolic, but people do just hate "insert thing here" because "insert person here" said so
Post number #1036723, ID: 9dcaaf
>>1036720 a scam made by big hate to sell more hate
Post number #1036724, ID: 829a25
Hey man hate is real big rn, political stuffs keeps your eyes by having you hate the other guys, youtubers have people hating games before they even come out. There's no nuance anymore it's either you are with me or I hate you
Post number #1036726, ID: 9dcaaf
>>1036724 im not making fun of it im just saying its all just a function of hate
Post number #1036728, ID: 829a25
Post number #1036730, ID: 69b876
what is the point of learning ukrainian.
Post number #1036733, ID: 9dcaaf
>>1036730 probably understanding Ukrainians
Post number #1036736, ID: 2e7099
why would you need or want to understand ukrainians bitch
Post number #1036740, ID: 01e63f
Why not?
Post number #1036898, ID: 8b1481
I'm learning Ukrainian bc I fucking want to lol. You don't need a reason to want to learn new things.
Post number #1036902, ID: 86c3dd
>>1036720 "no Russians get arrested for protesting the war retard. Read." so the footage of people being arrested for holding blank pieces of paper are fake I guess lmao
Post number #1036904, ID: 66070a
Lots of Russians have been arrested for protesting in the streets but afaik no one has gotten into trouble for posting on obscure text boards
Post number #1036913, ID: 890d96
>>1036532 people in moscow make more money so I like them too. Thinking about that idea by the money president on here to give everyone a million dollars. I wish she could do that : (
>>1036736 some of them are nice and cute~ but i wish they would learn english so they can have money :( I don't think people should speak different languages except like for idealogical reasons like changing pronouns to be better or something like that.
Post number #1036923, ID: 829a25
>>1036902 no, people are being arrested for protesting the war* that one was on me forgot the comma
Post number #1036932, ID: f35da2
>>1036913 Moscow is literally the worst place in the western part of Russia. The higher paycheck is not worth living there
Total number of posts: 34,
last modified on:
Tue Jan 1 00:00:00 1734737433
| Gonna start learning Ukrainian, any advice??