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do mods actually do anything? im curious


| No.

| >>1036357 *fucks your mouth*

| They have sex

| No way! maid actually removed 50k thread can you believe it?

| >>1036375
I don't habeeb it

| they're the higher minds that corrupt /u/ from the shadows, briding and blackmailing the gurls to gain silence and obedience

| >>1036357 based mod

| >>1036427 make me obidient~

| >>1036442 LOOK! They take advantage of the wholesome and pure gurls till they drain out out attentions, then they strike down and pose as myrtr to give us salvation from pain they're inflicting upon us.

| This is unjust, don't let their nice and kind gestures deceive you, they're in for fame and glory, everytime you drop even the slighest hint of hope in them, they'll take the opening and drag you into the doors toward the hell where you'll never see the light ever again. They want you to become a withering plant in this graveyard.

| One day you may could've said something normal like "we should play basketball sometimes" in the outer world but from now on all you'll say is "I love sex.", the long they can keep you the more you'll give in the illusions, can't you see it? It's their plan, they're enigmas following a system made by hidden minds to control the society as a whole.

| Don't ever try to be naive even once, they value the smaller groups higher as it's easier to make the losts into the most relitable agent.
It's insane, you need to read through the smallest details but the hints are all there waiting you to just connect them!

| >>1036444 but.. i like niceposting….

| >>1036517 *loud incorrect buzzer noise*

| >>1036517 *louder incorrect buzzer noise*

| >>1036517 *fucks your mouth*

| not trying to start anything but on occasion the maids used to be kinda toxic in the past

| >>1036554 that's why you have to rape her bratty mouth

| >>1036554
They do it for free

| >>1036554 ur mom used to be kinda toxic in the past

| >>1036554
Even the source code contains juvenile statements and we used to have colored stickies with juvenile insults such as nigger and retard etc. No wonder this place turned out the way it did, the site ops were never able to tell toxic behaviour from sincerity.

| Maid should try sex

| <span style="color: CornflowerBlue">Yes.</span>

| output from "git grep -E 'fuck|shit|bitch|fag'"


| ;-; I want maids obedience breeding please ;-;

| >>1036357 the "hello dangeru.us admin" thread is still up so I guess you weren't joking

Total number of posts: 27, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1734830568

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