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danger/u/ cooking thread

| This morning I've tried making kaiserschmarrn because of citrus fossil!
Damn groovy song, plus i got some really good schmarren pancakes out of it

| good job, im proud of you

| Krówki or cornbread for Christmas?
You g/u/rls choose.

| >>1036335 cornbread

| i need advice too, ultra white monster or ultra rose monster for dinner?

| >>1036340 neither, but if I have to choose then it'd be ultra rosa

| >>1036335
2nd for cornbread

| >>1036342 loud and clear, 14 ultra rose

| i havent really cooked much lately have i. its all takeaway or lazy stuff like fried egg on pan pizza with chili mayo(i had that just now) or noodles with green onion and egg. lazy stuff

| at least the chili mayo isnt store bought. i mix mayo, shiracha and a little bit of water. that counts as cooking, right?

ehh... i guess..
you can try jambalaya but skip the shrimp cause deshelling and deveining it is such a pain

| Ngl I eat spam a lot. Spam is just good. great even. waking up and having a spam egg & cheese sandwich is wonderful. eat spam.

| >>1036401
i secondt his

| Eat your wife

| >>1036759
i wish i had one to eat

| >>1036759
I would do it in a nice way that made her cum!!!!
we could be wives...

| Currently making a creamy lasagna with extra veggies for my family.

| ...I shouldn't have used the word creamy directly after that convo....

| >>1036982 creamy lasagna with extra vaggies for the family ;)

| I made gaang massaman with turkey instead of chicken and not much coconut milk because I didn't have much. I was disapointed the first time I made it, so I added more paste this time, but I found it a lil dominated by rough boiled to shreds meat this time too :/
I think the paste just isn't that great and I need to look into making it from scratch and carefully measuring ingredients. Still nice though and you can have some too! and my family had it too and I made veggies too ^^

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1734919635

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