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| Is a shapeshifter can modify their cells/molecules to become someone else, what happens if they merge with the person they're copying? Say their skin cells merge or the shifter's arm is chopped off and so is the original and they stitch their arms together.

Does the shapeshifter now control the original's body? Does the original die? Do they have separate control? Etc.

A limit placed on shapeshifters is they can't go beyond their mass. This a way to bypass that. Adding mass

| Just like sex

| Unless they merge neurologocal systems, it would just be pulling at each others muscles with their own muscles

| Do vampires have anuses? Cause that's why I wouldn't
let this kid invade a vampire's anus in this RPG, right, I was
GMing, and his character was an Anus Shade, with the power to
possess and control the anuses of people and animals.. and I
figured that vampires don't have anuses.

Total number of posts: 4, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1734327551

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