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High on melatonin

| Tool 2 pills. Gonna sleep soon. It's so gOOOOOOOOOOD!

| bruh i have genetic insomnia and cant sleep more than 5 hours and my doctor perscribed me fucking meletonin. and when i said it wasnt enough he told me to seek alternative medicine. he also took me off my anti phycotics because he thought i was ok dispite my theripest warning him im not. and now i use daner/u/ (worst case scenario)

| Weak shit. How many mgs?

| >>1036319 2 fuckint milligrams, and he stoped renewing it because i need to "find a perminent solution" for my genetic insomnia. actually killing myself

| >>1036322
I'll ask a friend how he got over his insomnia, maybe it'll help.

| He didn't. You're fucked.

| >>1036329 thx ill plan my euthenaisa appointment

| also when the fuck do ids change im lowkey stupid

| Itt drug addicts shun me for not being addicted and having the pills actually work as my body lacks tolerance for this shit. g-g-goooooOOOOOOOOOD!

| >>1036329
I laughed out loud. Thanks

| >>1036329 I laughed my ass out

Total number of posts: 11, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1734480798

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