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im indonesian

| It's genuinely a tragedy, I know.

| Time to die commie

| okay

| Must be hard for you to come out like that, proud of you g/u/rl!

| dont lie philipino, you cant hide your shame

| Feelsbadman

| commit sudoku

| Toaster bath, neck rope

| Go commit bim bom bem bom
-A Singaporean

| Singaporean Singaporean Singaporean

| >Muslim country
Its over, just rope

| You need a kiss!

| mwah! cute indonesean g/u/rl <3

| cute ladyg/u/ys goin outdonesia

| sad 4 op when the indonesia range ban drops

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1734752306

This thread is permanently archived