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for the love of god, say shit

| ive been compulsivly checking because im bored as shit, say interesting things gang ????

| emojis dont work, my fault

| You can't force content my guy, make some good stuff rather than waiting for it to happen.

| self cuddling wall texters say no
wait till the flow of /u/'s interest changes

| This is the first board where like 60% of users are all NEETs and nobody has SHIT to say>>1036229

| Nah I'm good

| https://dangeru.us/u/thread/1036202

| you see op, >>1036252 is peak /u/ humor, you just don't get it

| >>6e3ec0 i literally just did :3

| shit

| >>1036312 good boy

| Interesting shit, huh. Alright. I cordially invite you to check out Pepsi's curious military tradition. Yes, Pepsi, the company behind the drink, Coca cola's nemesis. They had a submarine fleet, and even offered a combat jet as a prize for one of their "collect this amount of bottlecaps" things, and a judge had to deny them from getting the jet to the guy who earned it. Hilarious, if you ask me. Go check it out, g/u/rl!

| >>1036433 ty pookie i will <3

| myb dawg, i havent been postin in a bit. if i was guarantee id be cookin

Total number of posts: 14, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1734414865

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