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im trans. should i chop it off?

| need yalls wisdom

| Not without sending pics first

| why thrash if its not broken right?

| nah, too much bleeding. put a rubber band on and twist it real tight (like a hairband if you're familiar) and give it three days. it'll just fall off. pop.

| send pic

| wear your g/u/rldick with pride

| do you want to?
>yes(chop it off)
>no(dont chop it off)
hope this helps! :D

| >>a42117 I'm not sure you want to go the sheep balls route

| i will use all your advice at the same time

| Yeah bro go for it. Chop your fucking dick off.

| you gotta stream it

| Never chop it off. Be trans but a dick shouldn't be a problem for you. If you chop it you'll end up with a rotting wound that you'll have to dilate. Never fall for that meme. It's one way ticket to hell out of your life, and these medical fuckers will tell you it's normal.

| On off topic, we have dozens of pronouns and imaginary genders, yet you end up being bound down to your genitalia? Is this what it all comes to?

| >>e86cb8 its inevitable someones going to ask whats in your pants. plus i dont really get all the imaginary genders :p

| >>1036281 consider becoming a panzer, bigger cannon, movement on treads and function only on diesel or gasoline

| so anyways trans women dont "chop it off", they undergo vaginoplasty where the existing unit is surgically repurposed as a (sexually expressive though not fertile) functional vagina

if this is a serious inquiry do what you feel is right, i probably (by choice) will never get a vaginoplasty despite being a trans woman

| >>d8447f i understand that, chopping it off just sounds more funny and theres a bit more motive for me cuz where i am, you have to in order to be considered legally female.

| also just realised i can respond to indevidial posts lmfao

| idk what the repercussion are but it sounds painful to deal with in futufe

| If you have the financial means and you really want to you should do it. I know i would in a heartbeat if i could work up the courage already to get hormones so they’d actually take me seriously. this thing has caused me nothing but pain since puberty.

| >>1036498 im on diyhrt because im too shy to talk to a doctor and have a deathwish

| >>1036499 i get that im currently just in the endless cycle of self doubt and anxiety about taking real visible steps to do something about my life. I know i can get stuff from planned parenthood but i always find a reason why im not ready yet.

| >>1036500 whats persona

| >>1036505 i started when i realised id kms either way so why not

| >>1036507 haha you hate to hear it but good for you gurl

| >>1036513 thx hahaha

| girlcock is better than nocock

| >>1036529 <3

| I've known a few people who've gotten bottom surgery and all of them ended up with serious complications and long term chronic pain. One nearly died. If you're absolutely certain it's what you want, go for it I guess, but you should be ready for the possibility of it not going to the way you'd like.

| >>1036290 newfag

| >>1036572 nah, i always a fag just got the premium subscription now

Total number of posts: 31, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1734436128

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