dumb restart annoyed me >:(

| on insta a dumb chinese canadian started harrassing me because I wrote in a comment section "I have no problems with trans folk :)"
How tf can I get back at that transphobe?
I found his linkedin using basic OSINT + his sister and close family even though his acc is on private.
What's the next step now to pwn that fucking transphobe retard, g/u/rls?

| why'd you need to bring his ethnicity into it, buddy? you got a problem with asians?

| >>1035987 i think she have problem with canadians

| I highly suggest you cut yourself in a comfy warm bathtub and die :3

| Just read a book or something, spend your time better.

| >>1035987 in case anyone has an idea how to crash their chinese or canadian social credit obviously g/u/rl I love my ricecel bratans

| Have u ever seen the boondocks there's a cool scene about the interaction between a black guy and a white guy...

| >>1036006 NOOOOOOO I don't want to be the better person
I want to drone strike that transphobe and their kin

| >>1036011 people like you are the reason more and more people are becoming transphobes. I just out right hate people like you because of how you act. No one cares what you've got in your pants or what type of jimmies you like untio you act like an unstable cunt

| Until*
minor spelling mistake argument invalid. end me now

| >>1036011
I want you to be so good they transition and become your cute greatful chinese wife with a cute quiopao! but you keep the race-play respectful and just a fun thing and really care about each other.

I stopped being tranphobic because I felt upset about how I knew trans people and they would be upset at me if I was, and kiwifarms got DDOSed so I switched to /lgbt/ for exciting time wasting (beat that too)

They need to get away from bad influences and have role models.

| Maybe you could just email their mom and say "Hi, your son seems like a nice kid and I'm happy to hear he studied so well at {where they studied} or has {x job} but I think he's getting a little frustrated on the internet being mean to trans people {attach screenshots}. He seems like a good kid and I hope he's not too isolated and lashing out. You don't need to reply or anything, I just hope he knows the trans community doesn't want to hurt him and he's doing OK."

| I'll send it if you want if you post proof and details. I'm not afraid to have my details up there, but for a good cause. If you were jabbing him and he got upset, that's still bad of him but we need to meet people where they are and not make him feel bullied, so I'd need you to apologize too for what you did wrong.

| >>df178e
Stop spamming nonsense

| >>1036024 absolutely unhinged behavior, ermmm i don't like how you act so ima go talk to your mother. Clown emoji clown emoji

| >>1036043 https://x.com/itchio/status/1866239798924763227

| >>1036044 jesus christ funko pop

read the agenda sometime g/u/rl

| https://youtu.be/dlGudfldTqY

| >>1035986 MacArthur was right, should've nuked China back in the 50s

| You will never be a woman

| >>47d202 knows whats up

| You could email or message family I guess but they'll probably think it's based or they'll say it's fake.

If they're new money from the middle kingdom then expect them to jump in on the fun.

| racist calling someone a transphobe, pot calling the kettle black moment

| crazy solution to this is for everyone envolved to kill themselves. no racists, no transphobes :3

Total number of posts: 25, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1734266026

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