Do things/people you like without fear

| The meaning of like mmmmmmm uuuuuuuu

| The meaning of life* lmao

| ¡ESL Alert!

| >>1035109
ohhh siiii

| >>1035102 *fucks your mouth*

| I made a new friend recently and it feels like we're actually soulmates as cheesy as that sounds, we really get each other and hang out every day. We've started making excuses to avoid other people just so we can hang out more. It's borderline codependency but I'm happiest I've been in years.

| >>1035120
lucky mf..wish mine went that way but oh whale. good luck or sumthin g/u/rl. u get em dawg.

Total number of posts: 7, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1733613648

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