Post number #1035099, ID: a9287f
Came out smoothly, though I had an unexpec visitor when I was pooping. The poop is dark, medium.
Post number #1035101, ID: c0f7f8
12 july 2024
Post number #1035126, ID: a9287f
>>1035101 kys. More poop and piss. Although it's small poop.
Post number #1035128, ID: 1d9ba2
Why not include pictures?
Post number #1035129, ID: 68cc0e
These threads are a testament to why you guys should be taken seriously and that thise site is fine to spam and fuck up.
Post number #1035130, ID: 02894d
Shouldn't be taken seriously
Post number #1035192, ID: a9287f
>>1035129 >>1035130 >daily threads are spam FYI spam would happen in shorter time windows. Additionally I'm cultivating the board culture as around 2-3 years ago "Today's poop" OP was frequent. Back then I even had a plan to start recording my poop daily but I failed. Now maybe I won't. I'd stop if no other threads were made but as long as they are there, I'll add to the traffic. >Taking us seriously Why would you even do that on global level?
Post number #1035193, ID: a9287f
There are threads and posters which can be taken seriously and there are ones which cannot. The decision is yours to make alone. As I am writing this I am hiding under my bed covers as I don't want my parents to find out that I'm on phone at 1:30 AM. Don't like the quality of my posts? Tell me how can I improve. This is an obscure textboard which on its own merits is pretty archaic as people majorly need pictures to keep interest.
Post number #1035198, ID: a9287f
It doesn't help that the site engine hasn't been updated in around 7 years and overall experience is rather displeasing after all this time. At the same time it's a nice time capsule because this site is more or less the same way I remember it from 2018 and 2019. I assume majority instead of posting here is on discord which personally scares me due to lack of anonymity. It's nice to be able to post like this without the need to make an account or risking a maid on her period.
Post number #1035199, ID: a9287f
Then again I kind of see your perspective because I don't know myself if maids are even here. It's just common consensus to not fuck up the site. We don't want site wide captchan. Maids used to reply in random posts, but now they're either disguised or gone. I assume if an actual spam happened, then maybe they'd show up to clean up. I don't know what else can I tell you. I may be a little bitter now, but you've annoyed me a bit. I want to get along. I haven't pooped yet.
Post number #1035201, ID: 147c38
Post number #1035205, ID: 84bc62
the only right thing is to never become an hivemind
Total number of posts: 13,
last modified on:
Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1733623030
| Came out smoothly, though I had an unexpec visitor when I was pooping. The poop is dark, medium.