competitve video games makes me kms

| i cant git gud

| I don’t play them! Let’s do something cooperative and fun together instead ; )

| that's because you're playing against cheaters and amphetamine addicts


| Try sex

| just play to have fun, then magically you will be gud. Easy as that.

| just git gud

| sell your soul to aimlabs for a year before you realize "hey, this isn't fun anymore." then you play stalker gamma instead

| thw biggest joke is playing competitive games to begin with. unless you have aspirations for esports, just stop

| >>1034979
not possible. Its human nature to want to improve. At some point it stops being for fun and eventually it becomes something you become passionate about which in turn makes winning much more fulfilling but losing much more likely to induce suicidal ideation. For me anyways.

| >>1035040
are you 12 or something?

| >>1035071
r u tardo? u can get that competitive feeling from anywhere else without going batshit mental like a caveman everytime u lose a match and rank

| >>1035075
what a brainlet take

| >>1035076
Not really. playing online games competitively is just stealing dopamine from each other so it is pretty stupid and pointless to play unless you enjoy the feeling of being angry. Return to single player gaming

| >>1035076
thats u buddy. ur brains corroded from all that pointless grinding

| >>1035071 Actually, I'm 13 checkmate liberal *cheers of victory*

| >>ad5c88 prettiest gurl in the room o///o

| >>1035082
You're the only one here with anger issues, you projecting brainlet. It not the games fault you're too weak ,indeed to play online games, kid. Get a life.

| >>1035040
Let me tell you, these grapes taste amazing. You jelly?

| >>1035131
IRONNYYY lmao admit u got btfo pal. only one projecting and seethin here is U

| >>8030f9 is right tho. 90% of people who play competitive games hate playing them. you don't have to be trying to be playing pro matches or anything but if you just play comp and mald you're just hurting yourself. playing on a team is just more fun

| >>1035206
>90% of people
Stopped reading right there because you pulled those statistics out of your own ass, just like he did earlier.

It's not the games fault your weak mind can't handle losing~

| >>1035145
u might actually be 12 urself bruh

| Then why do you play them? If you don't enjoy it, why are you choosing to do it?

| Rather than admit his failure to reach the grapes, the fox rationalises that they are not really desirable. The story illustrates the state of cognitive dissonance. The fox is taken as attempting to hold incompatible ideas simultaneously, desire and its frustration. In that case, the disdain expressed by the fox serves as a psychological defence mechanism by reducing the dissonance through criticism. This pattern of mental behaviour is called "adaptive preference formation".

| >>1035228 can't handle losing? i lose all the time. i'm on that 45%wr grind B)

| >>1035429
You got my respect, gurl.

| >>1035275
yapathon over here shut up nerd

| >>1035275 did you just explained how simple mental issues work?

| >>1035455
what a retarded take

| imagine sniveling like a baby because you lost at a computer game

| @1035465
omg!! so cool and nonchalant!

| >>1035275
but the fox IS right to stop wasting her time! for her the grape reaching IS a bad thing to do. it's just you shouldn't think the grapes are sour, just that the reaching is not possible as a fox ; )

| >>1035486
this aint twitter, dipshit

| >>1035605
>but the fox IS right to stop wasting her time!
That's not the morale of the story. If the fox was mature he would've walked away and that's that. But that's not how he acted and you know it. You and the fox are still caught in a trap of cognitive dissonance and like quicksand the more you struggle the deeper you sink.

| >>1035615
Well the thing is though the fox still won because she went away from the grapes.You're totally right she made a mistake, but it wasn't such a terrible one. What do you think the trap I'm in is? thanks for replying cutie <3

nnnnnng trapped in quick sand grabbing my body I'm so sorry g/u/rl it's squeezing me so tightly...I'll do anything if you save me :3

| >>1035714
Just letting you know I didn't read a single word of your post~

| >>1035730
Is that because it's not worth the trouble, or because my post has no trouble at all ;) be careful foxy g/u/rl ;)

Total number of posts: 38, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1733893504

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