I went cloudwatching today and it was awesome!

| It even made me think of you gals a little bit because you're kinda like clouds. When you disappear, it’s a beautiful day.

| a backhanded compliment with a tinge of aggression? this is your best one yet. mental image's pretty good, too.
keep up the good work! you'll be able to burn people yet.

| >>1034911
I want sex now

| >>1034911 I'll sex you and disappear

| Call me a noctilucent cloud the way OP is way beneath me.

| Call me a pyrocumulus the way OP's hot air only makes me stronger.

| Call OP cyclogenesis the way she creates depression (in her parents because of how much of a disappointment she is).

| Call me a mammatus cloud the way I'm the tits.

| Call OP a sundog the way she's a fake bitch.

| Call OP altostratus duplicatus translucidus the way she's two-faced but everyone can see right through her.

| Call OP's mom a morning glory cloud the way her rolling over can be seen from space.

| Call OP cumulus mediocris radiatus the way she's unremarkable and falls in line.

| Call OP morning mist because I want her to lay on top of me and cling tightly to my valleys

| >>1035019
me too!!!!!

| >>927e9d sorry, no, this just makes you a massive nerd. gonna find where you live and give you a wedgie

Total number of posts: 15, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1733507570

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