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Oxford's Word of the Year


| Kiss! And they were inspired to it by you!

| >>1034538
h-hey! you cant just go around kissin so freely!

| >>1034538 kiss freak! Cut it out

| Guess we have a mexican kiss off now, gurls

| I’m a mass kisser! Aaaaaaaaaaaab I’m taking you all with me (in my arms)!!!!!!

| my lips are out and just pouting away! freely out in the open! hope no one tries to kiss them..

| >>1034649
Mmmmmmmmwwwwwaaaaahhhhhhh! >###<
Eek thank you thank you pretty g/u/rl!!! You make me feel like the loveliest g/u/rl in the world just getting to kiss you!

| B

| kiss me like the italians my g/u/ys.
we gotta show these gay/u/rls up

| making out with g/u/rls, kissing g/u/rls, smooching g/u/rls!! online yuri paradise

| >>1034734
Kiss! Kiss! Kissy kiss!

| R

| kissing the d/u/des no yaoi though

| >>1034813
Yaoi is cute we can cuddle and read it g/u/rl :3

| >>1034652
smooch!! kiss kiss!! ahh..you’re welcome! i feel like the loveliest g/u/rl too just because you kissed me!

| >>1034833
>< cutie~

| What in the living f/u/ck was that

Total number of posts: 18, last modified on: Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1733436657

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