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is raping and beating the only way to learn how to resist a woman's charm?

| it's surely good to get my attitude going at least

| YES.

| i thought their charm was in their beatability and rapeability

| >>1034475 IT IS!!!

| ^russian values on danger/u/

| waow

| I think the better way is to demand they call you pretty and charming or to find someone who will. I used to kinda agree so I didn’t talk to anyone because I didn’t want to use the meanness ‘necessary’ for others’ respect, but fuck that! Kisses for everyone (if they aren’t raping and beating like good g/u/rls don’t do)!

| I think raping is bad but thats just like my personal opinion and I don't want to force my subjective beliefs on you

| >>1034594 you're wrong, but I hope you can see the light soon

| >>1034594 sometimes you gotta try something new to expand your personal horizons g/u/rl c:

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1733165879

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