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Best water brand?

| Regardless of country, whats the best drinkable water?
I am a thirsty fella.

| Smart

| chat is this real?

| >>1034360
Awawawa streamer Chan streamer Chan- I love you!!! I think it’s a product placement I just use a filter and metal water bottle but I would drink your bath water streamer Chan!

| europe got like 19 out of the top 20 spots on the world cleanest drinking water index so probably a tap in a european countryside

| Wanna drain a Europe countryside girls tap

| Gamer girl's piss

| B O T T L E D. W A T E R

| I yearn for the day I can know a woman's love, I am lonely and all social media do is show me others happiness, their joy and or their lust. I know not the feeling of love my days are spent sat all day, my job just has me repeat phrases in a script all day. I've noticed my ability to converse with others diminish.

| >>1034442 that's neat, now tell us your favorite bottled water brand

| D2O

| >>1034442
Good girl Pat pat
I think you’ve got lots of a woman’s love for the whole world already <3 I hope you go on a romantic Christmas date :3 maybe there’s a local Linux user group or something? I’ve never loved either…

| >>1034453 you can change that by start cutting!

| >>1034460

| >:( ur making me a tiny bit mad and a lot horny how you pursue me saying dumb things >:) I wanna make love with you so long you get really smart from all the love chemicals and you never cut again and always make g/u/rls healthy and become an anti cuts skin doctor! Right now in my mind I just jumped into your arms at your medical school graduation and we spun each other around and had a huge kiss! Now we’re showing our daughters how to use bash!

| >>1034463 all red just like your arm soon! :)

| I’m ignoring you!!

| >>1034498 whyy :(( you're making me very sad..

| >>1034499
Awww gimme a kiss then ok cute g/u/rl?

| >>1034502 *stabs you*

Total number of posts: 20, last modified on: Wed Jan 1 00:00:00 1733066994

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