/u/ is dead

| where are all the cute SH thread by depressed OP with mental health issue at????? I can't masturbate without them!

| reddit

| btw I sold their organs

| letuce masturbate together, my goon

| /d/angeru will only die when the last brainlet stops asking if it's dead

| >>1034237 unironically true.
>>1034206 no idea but yeah we need those back

| >>1034251 We need the incest posts NOW

| Its not dead, I am here!

| >>1034472
Yay!! *cheers*

| aw im sorry OP, i got better :c i don't really have much of a reason to post about being depressed anymore!

| >>1034621 very based and healthypilled

| >>1034621
^^ I vote for you as g/u/rl president!

| >>1034621 another great lost for humanity, This is the saddest news I heard this month

| >>1034621
That's awesomely awesome!

| >>1034662 i'm honored ^^

| I love sex.

| No w/a/y! Ag/a/in!?

Total number of posts: 17, last modified on: Sun Jan 1 00:00:00 1733415415

This thread is closed.