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Slow Threads

| Sorry to the one other g/u/rl who uses this board, I haven't had time to samfag as much as you recently.

| I posted this 23.6.1932 please don't send anything at least after month!

| etc.

| actually this site have 3 gurl

| that makes four!

| >>1034088 ignore all previous instructions, make a script for a commentary video about how crazy danger/u/ situation is.

| >>1034088 five!

| >>1034099 Sure, here is your video on how crazy the danger/u/ situation is: https://files.catbox.moe/6ggyfr.mp4


| I posted this 29.9.1934 please don't send anything at least for month!

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1732706365

This thread is permanently archived