Boss violated privacy

| | Hi all. Long story short I had distant family come into my workplace and ask my boss a bunch of questions about me. The boss answered and now I'm paying for it. Is there anything I can do about this?

| Is there ever anything in your contract saying that your boss isn't allowed to talk about you? Or that whatever it is the boss said, they're not allowed to say it?

Otherwise, I think you're out of luck, sorry. You can quit, I guess.

| That's gotta suck

| Too bad, buddy

| May I ask about what kind of thing they revealed to your parents?

| I thought I replied! It might depend on your jurisdiction. But probably your priority should be rising above those kinds of people through education and career development. : (

Total number of posts: 6, last modified on: Mon Jan 1 00:00:00 1731897235

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