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Anyone still using the mobile app?

| I know it's not on the playstore anymore, is there. Idk. A website or something I can check out?

| Hey, same person. I just found out there's a website? Wild. Imma bookmark this on my pc when I get off work.

| I use app

| Oh sweet. Glad to know there's a few people still using it. I know I tried looking tonsee if there was any official way to download it, but the only places now are sketchy sites. Glad I still have it installed.

| I use app

| I, too, use the app

| Reading this while using the app

| I have the app downloaded, but none of it seems to work or do anything. so I use the website.

| I have the app downloaded, but none of it seems to work or do anything. so I use the website.

it's on fdroid so I wouldn't call that sketchy...

| I know nothing about FDroid so I wouldn't know

| >>379674

it's just an application store like Google play, but focused on FOSS. you can get various repos for it like you would get various repos and certs for the apt package on Debian/Ubuntu distro flavors, these new repos give you new batches of apps in the store.

it's not very sketchy, unless you look for such things.

I'm not entirely sure how knowledgeable this board is about tech and stuff, but fdroid is kind of square one. I recommend the offline survival guide on fdroid.

| I use danger/u/ on the app, I got it installed years ago
But it's good to know it's also in website form

| currently on the app ! ! had it downloaded for years through many phone changes via transfer

| Same here. I'm ao glad current android simply says it's a little out of date and doesn't full on block it from being used

| on the app, downloaded it years ago and when i got my new phone it transferred over lmao so no trouble finding it on the app store

| On the app so I can browse in bed ~<3

| I want to browse you in bed…

| Surprised this app is still running and not mining bitcoins ⚒️

| I use the app had it for a long time so the music player still works lmfao

| Mainly uses app.
You can found apk of la/u/ncher in other place than google play, for example, on fdroid as someone mentioned above.

| >>1033467 Yeah! Music player is so cool

| >>1033460 dogecoin probably

| App users can write in Augmented Eye

| I tried it again, last year and I get couldn't the music player to work but the board worked fine.

| >>1033535 budy o mine had the same issue, that's why I brag about mine working :)

| >>1033494 what the actually fuck?

| >>1033540 You don't even know that :)

| Humanitarian assistance to persons with disabilities

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Augmented Eye Launches its New App

| The music player is the best part

| Of course people are still using the app. You can even download the apk to install it without playstore

| https://github.com/nilesr/United4?tab=readme-ov-file

Here's the app. Have sex and have fun.

| Why isn't the app on Play Store anymore? It has been working just fine for me since i downloaded it some years ago, so I haven't noticed

| Do not know?

| >>1033798

| >>1033795 the play store requires apps to be updated adleast once every 2 years, and the danger/u/ app hasn't been updated in forever so it got removed

| Smh they could have released a dummy update that adds like one sticker to the main page, then redo that every 2 years

| >>1033837
What is boring rule. What if app is perfectly complete? Work nice and literally do not need any compatibility updates, so it will be removed after two no-updates year? That rule not just boring, it is also idiotic one!

| >>1033904
You should start a company which looks for such apps and publishes them asking people for money when they’re gotten rid of, with automatic tiny updates and get rich!!

| I still use the app. I installed it from fdroid.

| >>1033494 you mean writing the article? nah only the jans can do that. i can only comment on the articles. not like it's ever been updated. i wonder if the chinese are still using that place to chat.

| >>1034083 jans as well as g/u/rls with the /u/ pass.

| >>1033938
Oh yeah! :D //I'll cite this:
"A 'great' plan, reliable as a Swiss watch! © Lebowski

| >>1034153
;) I hope you get really rich g/u/rl!!!!!

Total number of posts: 44, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1732762022

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