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I find myself increasingly caring less about other people and the good of the world

| I am succumbing to hate. I have never felt more alone as when I was acting ethically and doing good and looking for other good people to connect with but as soon as I broke bad tons of people(mostly rightoid morons) flocked to me and tried to make connections.

| >when I was acting ethically
List 3 books on ethics you have read in your life
>doing good
Likewise, hand over the definition of ontological good if you've already classified yourself as belonging to it
>"broke bad"
What's the market price of meth, Ms. White?

I may not know you, but your post indicates you're a Reddit "nice girl" with the moral fiber of a Dollar General roll of toilet paper. You make no specific points, you do not tell us anything of value, and in conclusion, kys.

| After reading I was going to say, "kys", but it seems >>f1e7a2 has already beat me to it.

| Am I looking at a mirror?

| >>1032714
You're looking at a real human bean.

| Nice to make your acquaintance btw

| Alright then

Is it ethical to beat someone to death because they claimed to have taken a shit in a playground sandbox?

| Dual suicide? I'm up for it

| >>1032720
Only Losers are obsessed with suicide.

| >>1032727 that's why they're so breedable

| >>1032717 Amazing! Are you willed to give up your emotional side after understanding the surrounding you're living in?

| Worry not of any morals, I aim to open few more eyes.

| utterly real cept idc bout bein friends with people who make politics their whole identity n glaze like crazy or am a “nice” gurl. im just fed up with everything i see but im too stuck in routine and loops of negativity.

| >>1032741
It almost sounds as if you guys can't even recognise good behaviour without having your mind drift towards memes and preassumptions. If you're an ethical person then you know what that entails and what to look for. If I met you at a bar I wouldn't talk to you for long. As soon as people start taking things from thin air and project them towards other people I start looking for a way out of the conversation.

| >>1032764 You'd be impressed by what the brain can do by itself

| >>54072c
Fuck off

| Sounds like you had unrealistic expectations of the world and now you're paying the price. I would love to hear more about your context, to see if this is the case. If this is just trauma dumping, it'll be lovely to hear it regardless, it can be quite informative. That choice of words, "making connections" interests me, too. Euphemisms often speak of a will to hide something and thus a need to not have it labeled by any party. You made mistakes, didn't you? What were you thinking?

| Can I be your rightoid moron and make a connection with you :3

| >>1032783 Can't you see it? OP is too popular with the right! What kind of perky trait are you gonna show her? e.e

| my perky cold bawlz from this winter temperature

| >>1032777
It's not about the world but about the local community you live in. Let's at least try to be realistic with our expectations and actions. Also, stop jumping to premature conclusions like some moron. It makes you as interesting to talk to as a houseplant.

How come not a single poster on this board can take in text without projecting their nonsense onto it... It's like as if you're not loving in the real world but rather a manifestation that you make up in your own heads.

| >>1032712
I’M a nice g/u/rl and I’M going to KILL you if you mess with OP!!!!!!! You’re skull is going to look like a watermelon and marshmallow smoothie (wow don’t drink that that would be severely unhealthy)

Sending hugs you shouldn’t have had to be exposed to such horrible people. Can you contact the people you helped? If you were making nice posts on here they really did make me feel better!

| >>1032801
Sounds like projection ;3 kiss!

I’ve been breaking out of my routine of negativity and part of that has been having an upset cry last week about how I want to care and be a nice girl and love and be loved, and I felt so much better afterwards, and it helped me focus a little remembering that I really do care. I have trouble changing mostly because I’m the moment I really don’t give a shit. Being able to remind myself I do care helped a lot.

| I think when people have a political reaction of words to say with impotence or cruelty that’s horrible, but if you have political solutions to problems and friends you’re fighting with to call up and go do politics with. I would really like to be like that one day. Politics should be a sub-set of deep personal values, and everything SHOULD relate to those so as can all be happy

| >>1032712 "Oh you were acting nice? Name three books on acting nice." bratan tf type of shite r ya on?

| also rightoids proving once more that they are naught but an ideology of hate?

| >>1032801 My, you poor thing. Try to remember that your experience is rather unique, and therefore what you take for given, for the rest might not quite be so. Thus, you might want to be a little more specific if you don't want others to make their own conjectures.
As for the interest? Well that's rather subjective too, so thanks for your input. And on the world in our heads, isn't that what everyone, inevitably does? Reality is bigger than what we take in and make of, after all

| Perhaps if you give a bit more details, we would be able to understand your vision better, and in turn, provide you with a helpful perspective, no?
Contrary to what the most proud of their lack of wisdom portions of the population might claim, some people might be willing to listen to you, and try to understand. As you probably figured out, I myself am not quite the best emotional support, but sometimes, people need to be listened to first, and get to thinking later. Care to try?

| >>1032712 back to reddit

| >>1032801
Sounds like youre ontop of things, when it comes to self care at least. Not the projection part. I have always taken my good sides and eithical compass for granted because it comes effortlessly to me but as of late im struggling a bit with it and could certainly use some reminders that there are other good people here.

| Too often its impossible to talk about ethics or to encourage virtue without getting a toxic reaction. Its like trying to talk about intelligence/IQ in the sense that it seemingly triggers a kneejerk type response and everyone starts chimping out and starts making stuff up in order to dispute the topic. It's like, act like an adult already? How hard is it to engage in an adult two-way convo without lying or projecting all over the place?

| >>1032859
I think it’s because people use ethics and IQ to justify making others’ lives worse, and their work better, so people naturally are very on guard to make sure people are only gaining ethics and learning which do not make them dangerous. ‘Be an adult’ for instance is used against childish people, which makes me guarded because I have childish traits like feelings. I still wish everyone lots of ethics and IQ! It’s the only way things really get better <3

| >>1032801 My gurl, you've replied to pasta
if you read carefully, the whole thing is disjoined, "make connection" is pretty much the only change, whoever was behind this clearly wanted to bait

| As for the books, I think it’s a very fine idea to discuss how best ethics are implemented, but it came off as a tad aggressive and like you can’t Participate if you don’t have as much experience. Books people also sometimes try to use appeals to authority instead of evidence of how the ethics worked out which can be damaging. Let’s not make anyone go to Reddit-if you feel lonely here, just ask me for a kiss!!

| >>1032712
lol fuckin clown “erm and in conclusion” stfu redditard

| Have I been mass cloned without my consent?

| >>1032711 I don't care if you think I'm "naive", "innocent", or "too optimist", OP
I on't care if anyone thinks of me in such way after what I'm about to say

I TRULY believe that the MAJORITY of humans have good intentions.
Left people, right people. Communists, Capitalists, artists, AIbros, scientists, writers, janitors, and rich people too.

The things that make us feel like we think too differently is our upbringing, our values, our ideas, our own ways to live

Kindness wins

Total number of posts: 37, last modified on: Fri Jan 1 00:00:00 1731464326

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