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mentally unstable gurls

| don't think you can """fix""" them. they lure you in then they tell you in detail about how they want to die in 20 different ways then go back to petting a cat like they said something normal

| Sounds like they haven't matured enough yet. I mean, there comes a time when that kind of behaviour just becomes antisocial and inescusable.

| >>1032689
by what time then? cause it seems even some grown ahh gurls still act that way

| You just describe my dream girl

| >>1032689 yeah they're barely above age of majority

| (OP here)

| >>1032690
I know, I've met people in the 30s who acts like the rest of us acted in high school...

| >>1032708 Are you sure they're not actually children trapped in adult bodies?

| >>1032736 that happens often tho
their facade is mostly mid

| >>1032736
When I undressed one it turned out to be 2 children and a kobold in a trench coat.

Total number of posts: 10, last modified on: Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 1731363476

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